Adam Kuczek Concept lamp for "Cloud Atlas" Film, "Slums Episode 5", Germany, 2012

Adam Kuczek Concept lamp for "Cloud Atlas" Film, "Slums Episode 5", Germany, 2012

One-off-pieces designed by George Hull based on "Adam Kuczek" original concept for a Warchowskis movie, Cloud Atlas.

The lamps appeared in the "slums" episode 5.  Release date, November 15, 2012, Germany. Material: Steel and aluminium.

Highly collectible film prop with a high historical cultural value.

Film storyline consists of six individuals belonging to different generations go on an emotional ride while exploring how human actions impact the lives of their loved ones in this ever-changing world.


Directed by: Lana Warchowski, Lilly Warchowski, Tom Tykwer.


Price upon request


Adam Kuczek Concept lamp for "Cloud Atlas" Film, "Slums Episode 5", Germany, 2012

0,00 €

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